Monday 8 October 2012

Autumn Inspiration

I have always felt inspired by the seasons, with spring and autumn being my favourites. I consider myself fortunate to be living in a very pretty and picturesque part of the UK ......Wales. I am surrounded by mountains and lots of pretty places which I suppose I do sometimes take for granted a little as they are just about on my doorstep. The photos here in  my blog is just a twenty minute walk or so away. For anyone reading my blog I do hope you enjoy! 
Autumn is well and truley upon us and and to embrace the season I have made some jewellery that I have been inspired to make by the changing colours and to embrace the season.

Here is one of a selection of the bracelets I have made with autumn colours.The bracelet below is called Autumn Spice. The large beads I made from Fimo white translucent with a hint of tumeric spice to give it colour. I accentuated these with little gold plated bead caps and transparent gold glass seed beads and semi precious red carnelian. Hopefully from tomorrow I shall start to make daily posts which I will post a photo of each make.

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